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Message of Chief Patron

Bangladesh is poised to face greater challenges in multiple arenas at the present time. But only an endless window of opportunity awaits us if we can train our future generation into skilled human resources. That is why, Cantonment Public School & College, and the Millennium Stars School & College, Rangpur are committed to ensuring ICT quality education from primary to tertiary level to keep pace with modern world. To achieve the goal of Vision-21, all the Institutions are needed to have their own Digital Management Systems along with dynamic website to focus their activities and information available to everybody.

I am very much delighted to know that both the institutions have jointly launched their Digital Management Systems with a new interactive Website to focus their glories and activities open to all. This is also an endeavor in the process of digitalization of the country.


I hope, theses efforts will fulfill the present demand of the age and help to communicate between the institutions and the information seekers home and abroad.


I wish its grand success.


Major General Md Masud Razzaq, ndc, afwc, psc

GOC 66 Infantry Division and Area Commander, Rangpur Area

Chief Patron

The Millennium Stars School & College, Rangpur


Our College is the best choice for your Child